You need to take a look at this great blog! She always has such great things to share with us! She is now adding a wonderful give away. Even if you don't have children of your own, or if they are already grown, you still should enter to win! Good luck!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
I've got a fat kid.
Today was Porter's 6 month check-up. I went alone this need for Andy or mom's help I thought. I was right. He did great!
He weighs a whoppin 20 lbs 6 oz! He's in the 90% for his weight. I have a fat kid! Haha. He's 281/4 inches, and is in the 95% for height. So, I have a tall kid! I pretty much knew I did though... considering he's been wearing size 12 months since he was 5 months old! Goodness!
Then they did the dreaded shots! And Porter, screamed! He was good up until that part...haha. He screamed soooo loud and high pitched. It was really sad. As soon as he got into the truck, he was out. Traumatized. Poor thing!
Here's some recent pictures of my fat/tall kid!
See his rolls? Not sure what that expression is all about???
Sitting pretty! Nice red hair too!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
More catching up....
OK..time to do some catch ups! Here's what's been up since I blogged last.
1st off, I've taken 2 more shots since then. The one last Monday was awful! It was much worse then the 1st one. I got everything all out and set up...thinking it was gonna be easy that time. Then I sat down, alcoholed the spot on my leg, opened the shot up, pressed it to my leg, and couldn't do it! Andy was all smiles, and ready to do it for me. So...I let him. I guess I was too tense, because it hurt like HELL! I cried. Yes, like a baby! I don't know if any of you have every had a shot that ached in your bones? Where you could feel the medicine going through you and it ached and hurt down to the bone? Well, this was like that....but 10 times worse! So, then I was NOT looking forward to my shot this Monday. I got all set up again, and planned the process with Andy. This time I pinched my leg fat...very attractive, I know....and Andy was going to give it to me again. I was a very good girl this time. It didn't take me but a minute to get up enough courage to tell Andy to do it. It did hurt, but this time I could just squeeze my leg really hard and it took over the pain!!! It was soooo much better then the 1st time when I did it myself, and the second time when it hurt like HELL!!! So, I'm not too worried about next week! Woo hoo hoo!!
Also new these little man is 6 months old!!! Goodness, where has the time gone? He is sitting pretty these days. He loves to sit and play with toys, sit in high chairs when we eat out, and sit up in the carts when we shop! He thinks he's hot stuff...and he is! He has two bottom teeth shining pretty too! He loves running over your toes in his watch out if you're ever at my house! I just can't get enough of my little man...but I won't bore you further with my details!
Besides that, I've been watching my nephews once a week to give my mom a break...and so Porter can get used to lots of action and noise! I didn't want him to be all shy and scared around kids, since he's always home alone with me. In return for mom's day off, she takes Porter on most Fridays so I can run some errands, or just have a day off to play!!! It's been going great! He loves seeing his cousins and he isn't jumpy when they're up in his face or yelling..haha! It also gives his Mama some good quality time with him.
The only other new thing, is we're trying to plan our summer vacation. I wanted to go to Florida, but Andy says we should go there next year when Porter's older and can enjoy it more. FINE! So now we're pretty sure we're going to the Wilderness Lodge in Lesterville, MO. Andy went there when he was little, and said he loved it! We'll get a little cabin or cottage all to ourselves, with a screened in porch. How cute! At the lodge they have a dining room where you get all your breakfasts and suppers. They also have a pool and hot tub! Then of course, they have the black river to swim in. We're going in late July, and staying 4 days and 3 nights. Before that, in June, we'll take Porter to St. Louis and stay a night or two so we can take him to the Zoo and Grant's farm. We'll also stay at Sam A Baker sometime too..for another night or two...when my family goes. I love the idea of 3 smaller vacations instead of 1 long one. It'll be nice for a change, and better for Porter I'm sure! I can't wait!
Well, that's about all really. I live a pretty simple life. I love everything about it though, and wouldn't change a thing!!! Thanks for listening!!!
1st off, I've taken 2 more shots since then. The one last Monday was awful! It was much worse then the 1st one. I got everything all out and set up...thinking it was gonna be easy that time. Then I sat down, alcoholed the spot on my leg, opened the shot up, pressed it to my leg, and couldn't do it! Andy was all smiles, and ready to do it for me. So...I let him. I guess I was too tense, because it hurt like HELL! I cried. Yes, like a baby! I don't know if any of you have every had a shot that ached in your bones? Where you could feel the medicine going through you and it ached and hurt down to the bone? Well, this was like that....but 10 times worse! So, then I was NOT looking forward to my shot this Monday. I got all set up again, and planned the process with Andy. This time I pinched my leg fat...very attractive, I know....and Andy was going to give it to me again. I was a very good girl this time. It didn't take me but a minute to get up enough courage to tell Andy to do it. It did hurt, but this time I could just squeeze my leg really hard and it took over the pain!!! It was soooo much better then the 1st time when I did it myself, and the second time when it hurt like HELL!!! So, I'm not too worried about next week! Woo hoo hoo!!
Also new these little man is 6 months old!!! Goodness, where has the time gone? He is sitting pretty these days. He loves to sit and play with toys, sit in high chairs when we eat out, and sit up in the carts when we shop! He thinks he's hot stuff...and he is! He has two bottom teeth shining pretty too! He loves running over your toes in his watch out if you're ever at my house! I just can't get enough of my little man...but I won't bore you further with my details!
Besides that, I've been watching my nephews once a week to give my mom a break...and so Porter can get used to lots of action and noise! I didn't want him to be all shy and scared around kids, since he's always home alone with me. In return for mom's day off, she takes Porter on most Fridays so I can run some errands, or just have a day off to play!!! It's been going great! He loves seeing his cousins and he isn't jumpy when they're up in his face or yelling..haha! It also gives his Mama some good quality time with him.
The only other new thing, is we're trying to plan our summer vacation. I wanted to go to Florida, but Andy says we should go there next year when Porter's older and can enjoy it more. FINE! So now we're pretty sure we're going to the Wilderness Lodge in Lesterville, MO. Andy went there when he was little, and said he loved it! We'll get a little cabin or cottage all to ourselves, with a screened in porch. How cute! At the lodge they have a dining room where you get all your breakfasts and suppers. They also have a pool and hot tub! Then of course, they have the black river to swim in. We're going in late July, and staying 4 days and 3 nights. Before that, in June, we'll take Porter to St. Louis and stay a night or two so we can take him to the Zoo and Grant's farm. We'll also stay at Sam A Baker sometime too..for another night or two...when my family goes. I love the idea of 3 smaller vacations instead of 1 long one. It'll be nice for a change, and better for Porter I'm sure! I can't wait!
Well, that's about all really. I live a pretty simple life. I love everything about it though, and wouldn't change a thing!!! Thanks for listening!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The shots have started!!

Last night, I started my Enbrel shots. You should have been there to see how big of a wuss I was! I don't mind needles usually. Don't get me wrong, I do not ENJOY them, but they don't make me skittish or anything. These aren't even as bad as regular needles. It's a "single-use prefilled auto injector". Which means, it looks like a pen, and you just press the button and the needle pops out and you're done! Well, let me tell's MUCH harder when you have to give one to yourself! I just couldn't handle being the one behind the to speak! Andy said that he would gladly do it, but I wasn't too sure that would be any better! Haha!! So picture, sitting in the living room, with Andy hovering over the top of me. Me holding a huge needle to my leg, whining that I just can't do it! Andy laughing and trying to press the top of the needle himself. Me, freaking out and trying to take it away from him. Then, after about 20 minutes of us laughing and fighting over who's going to inflect the pain on me, I finally do it! It wasn't that bad of course. It did sting, kinda like when you got your finger pricked as a kid, and then it ached and hurt a bit as the medicine went in. I have to do this every Monday night, so hopefully it won't be so hard to make myself do next time! Just another great thing about Monday's I guess!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Interview!!!
Mika has sent me 5 questions for my interview. After I answer them, I will explain the game and pass it on!
1. What is your most embarrassing moment of your life?
Goodness. My most embarrassing moment would probably have been when I was in 3rd grade and got my plastic ruler stuck between my bottom teeth. I had to go in front of the entire class (of like 10 people maybe..haha) and have the teacher get it out! I was humiliated!
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, or one event in your life, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about myself, I would never stop....perfect body, better complexion, perfect teeth, more patients, less high strung, more laid back...... As for changing an event in my life, I wouldn't. I believe that every wrong and right decision that I have made along the way, has molded me into the person that I am today.
3. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do with the money?
Wow! First of all, I would pass out a good share to my family!!! Then I would begin building my dream house...without having to help! I would get a new family vehicle, hire someone to find me lots of perfect clothes that would fit and look awesome on me, I would pay off all our bills, get a summer beach house in Florida, do some major shopping, hire a maid to clean my house whenever I wanted her to and that would get groceries for me at any given time....ok, I will stop at that one! I'm all excited and it's not even real!
4. Who is your favorite person in Hollywood and why?
Ok, actually I'm not into all the "Hollywood" business..sorry to those of you who are. I love to watch movies, but I don't get into any of their personal lives. You never know whats real and what isn't. But I have always been a Brad Pitt fan. He's from around here, is very intensely hot, is a good actor, has a big family, and seems to be a great daddy!
5. What is your worst bad habit?
My worst bad habit? I guess that would have to be how high strung I tend to be. I like to have everything all planned, and don't take kindly to things that don't work out like scheduled! I have lists upon lists of things that need to be done and by when! If they don't get done, or something else comes up, I can get pretty crabby and uptight!
If you would like to play along here are the directions:
1. Leave me a comment & your e-mail address saying, "Interview me." If you dare.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the questions and answers.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. The first five 'askers' get the interview!
1. What is your most embarrassing moment of your life?
Goodness. My most embarrassing moment would probably have been when I was in 3rd grade and got my plastic ruler stuck between my bottom teeth. I had to go in front of the entire class (of like 10 people maybe..haha) and have the teacher get it out! I was humiliated!
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, or one event in your life, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about myself, I would never stop....perfect body, better complexion, perfect teeth, more patients, less high strung, more laid back...... As for changing an event in my life, I wouldn't. I believe that every wrong and right decision that I have made along the way, has molded me into the person that I am today.
3. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do with the money?
Wow! First of all, I would pass out a good share to my family!!! Then I would begin building my dream house...without having to help! I would get a new family vehicle, hire someone to find me lots of perfect clothes that would fit and look awesome on me, I would pay off all our bills, get a summer beach house in Florida, do some major shopping, hire a maid to clean my house whenever I wanted her to and that would get groceries for me at any given time....ok, I will stop at that one! I'm all excited and it's not even real!
4. Who is your favorite person in Hollywood and why?
Ok, actually I'm not into all the "Hollywood" business..sorry to those of you who are. I love to watch movies, but I don't get into any of their personal lives. You never know whats real and what isn't. But I have always been a Brad Pitt fan. He's from around here, is very intensely hot, is a good actor, has a big family, and seems to be a great daddy!
5. What is your worst bad habit?
My worst bad habit? I guess that would have to be how high strung I tend to be. I like to have everything all planned, and don't take kindly to things that don't work out like scheduled! I have lists upon lists of things that need to be done and by when! If they don't get done, or something else comes up, I can get pretty crabby and uptight!
If you would like to play along here are the directions:
1. Leave me a comment & your e-mail address saying, "Interview me." If you dare.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the questions and answers.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. The first five 'askers' get the interview!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
25 Things about me.....
I read this on facebook, and thought I'd give it a try. After I write my 25, I will tag some people. If you are tagged, you have to write back to me and then tag more people! It should be fun!
1. I have a small case of OCD. Just to name a view examples...the volume on the T.V. has to be on an even number, and everything in my house has to be in perfect order at all times (sometimes, even as you're USING something, I'm trying to but it back in it's "home'!!)
2. I am in LOVE with Edward Cullen and the entire "Twilight Saga"!!!
3. My husband and my son are my two favorite men in the entire world!
4. My family is extremely close, and would do anything for each other at any time!
5. I used to have a home day care, but quit when I had my son.
6. I will continue watching kids again when Porter is one.
7. I have never had my ears pierced...only my belly button on senior trip.
8. I was a tom boy when I was younger, and even had a spike in kindergarten!
9. I used to do stupid things in grade school. Such as...getting my coat stuck over my head and getting a ruler stuck in between my two bottom teeth...oh yeah, and getting suspended for drinking beer at recess!
10. My favorite pet EVER, was a black and white tom cat, named Oscar. He let me dress him in baby clothes, push him in a stroller, and he even drank milk from a bottle!
11. Me and my family have always gone to Florida and Montana on vacations since I was little.
12. I hate when people lie..for whatever reason!
13. Because I've been lied to in the past, I have a hard to trusting people and even believing the smallest things that they tell me.
14. I'm quiet when I first meet people, but if you get to know me, you'll know I'm ANYTHING but quiet!
15. My husband is an electrician, and works in or around St. Louis. He drives there everyday, so he has to get up around 4:00am and gets home around 6:00pm.
16. I dated Andy from the moment I turned 16. We dated 8 years before we married, so we've been together for 10 years now!
17. I had 9 bridesmaids in my wedding!
18. My baby weighed a whoppin 9 lbs when he was born, and now he's 5 months old and probably weighs 20!!!
19. I have 4 best girl friends! Becca I met when we were babies, and we've been close ever since. Jenny since grade school. Carrie since 5th grade band. And Kara...well, we hated each other in junior high, but we've been best friends since the first day of high school!
20. I used to love rides at six flags..or anywhere..but now I get sick on them!
21. I love watching movies!!! Scary ones used to be my favorite, the gorier the better, but now they tend to make me feel sick!
22. My favorite movie is "The Notebook".
23. My favorite thing to do is be with my family! No matter what we're doing.
24. I LOVE eating out. If I'm in a bad mood, all Andy has to do is promise to take me out to eat!
25. I have to "wake up" the house every morning. This means, pick everything up and put it in it's "home", open the blinds, turn on the lamps and lights, fold the blankets we used the night before, put the pillows back on the couch, and make our bed!
I tag...Kara Kyle, Jin Kyle, Mika Willamson, and anyone else that reads this!!!!
1. I have a small case of OCD. Just to name a view examples...the volume on the T.V. has to be on an even number, and everything in my house has to be in perfect order at all times (sometimes, even as you're USING something, I'm trying to but it back in it's "home'!!)
2. I am in LOVE with Edward Cullen and the entire "Twilight Saga"!!!
3. My husband and my son are my two favorite men in the entire world!
4. My family is extremely close, and would do anything for each other at any time!
5. I used to have a home day care, but quit when I had my son.
6. I will continue watching kids again when Porter is one.
7. I have never had my ears pierced...only my belly button on senior trip.
8. I was a tom boy when I was younger, and even had a spike in kindergarten!
9. I used to do stupid things in grade school. Such as...getting my coat stuck over my head and getting a ruler stuck in between my two bottom teeth...oh yeah, and getting suspended for drinking beer at recess!
10. My favorite pet EVER, was a black and white tom cat, named Oscar. He let me dress him in baby clothes, push him in a stroller, and he even drank milk from a bottle!
11. Me and my family have always gone to Florida and Montana on vacations since I was little.
12. I hate when people lie..for whatever reason!
13. Because I've been lied to in the past, I have a hard to trusting people and even believing the smallest things that they tell me.
14. I'm quiet when I first meet people, but if you get to know me, you'll know I'm ANYTHING but quiet!
15. My husband is an electrician, and works in or around St. Louis. He drives there everyday, so he has to get up around 4:00am and gets home around 6:00pm.
16. I dated Andy from the moment I turned 16. We dated 8 years before we married, so we've been together for 10 years now!
17. I had 9 bridesmaids in my wedding!
18. My baby weighed a whoppin 9 lbs when he was born, and now he's 5 months old and probably weighs 20!!!
19. I have 4 best girl friends! Becca I met when we were babies, and we've been close ever since. Jenny since grade school. Carrie since 5th grade band. And Kara...well, we hated each other in junior high, but we've been best friends since the first day of high school!
20. I used to love rides at six flags..or anywhere..but now I get sick on them!
21. I love watching movies!!! Scary ones used to be my favorite, the gorier the better, but now they tend to make me feel sick!
22. My favorite movie is "The Notebook".
23. My favorite thing to do is be with my family! No matter what we're doing.
24. I LOVE eating out. If I'm in a bad mood, all Andy has to do is promise to take me out to eat!
25. I have to "wake up" the house every morning. This means, pick everything up and put it in it's "home", open the blinds, turn on the lamps and lights, fold the blankets we used the night before, put the pillows back on the couch, and make our bed!
I tag...Kara Kyle, Jin Kyle, Mika Willamson, and anyone else that reads this!!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The "Twilight" books!!!

Let me start out by saying, that I am in NO way a "sci-fi" fan. I didn't have any intentions of even picking up the "Twilight" book that I had heard so much about. But, my oldest sister bought it for me for Christmas, so I thought, "What the heck? I'll give it a try." I was not at all disappointed!
Right from the start, I fell in love with do all readers, I'm sure! The chemistry between Edward and Bella was incredibly intense! I soon fell in love with each character, and finding the time to read was taking over my life! I couldn't wait to put my little man to bed (no offense) so I could grab my book and get lost in it! Andy always laughed at me because my eyes would light up and a big smile would spread across my face when I sat down with which ever book I was on!
I truly hated the 4th book ending last night. I just don't know what to do with myself now (a very likely reason for this post!) All of my sisters got into them at the same time as I did. We're all lost, and planning to get together and have a nice discussion about the books! We all went to see the movie when we finished the first book, and I know we'll go again when each of the other 3 movies come out. I guess I have that to live for. Ahhhh...only 10 more months until the second movie comes out!
The point of this post is simple. If you haven't read the "Twilight" books, listen up. Go to your nearest library or book store and get them...all 4! You won't be able to put them down, so get them all at the same time! You will NOT regret it.
Anyone who has read them...or has not...let me know what you think about them. Thanks for listening!!!
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